Ann Marie — Love everything here! While I don't know GP's protocol, I can attest to Dr. Taz' genius as she is my personal physician and has gotten me through menopause the past eight years. And! I love that Tabu is supported on your site; I adore Natalie and was honored to write about her at launch for The Quality Edit.

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Wow you lucky duck! She's made a few comments on my IG and I felt as excited as when Tracy Ellis Ross followed me! I really really like her style and am prepping to ask her on the podcast. I love Natalie too and you have reminded me that we spoke so so so long ago and I always wanted to interview her and her mom. So thank you, because I will actually ask her!

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So what do you suggest for someone who is 8 years in.. is now 2nd year post meno and HAS done hrt (I’ve done it all except testosterone and injections). Hot flashes have evolved into full autonomic temperature dysregulation.. have become hrt intolerant (currently can manage only a single spray of evamist every 36 hours which I have to wipe excess off after a few seconds so too

much doesn’t absorb. Can’t take magnesium or a host of other meds due to opposite reactions. Gained 60 pounds .. have severe severe muscle problems. No sleep etc issues. Beyond frustrated. Any thoughts on metformin for hot flashes (no PCOS). Desperate and tired off all the cottage industry sites that insist shoving loads of hormones in you is the only answer. Has to be a better way.

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And keep me posted! I'll circle back if I hear anything that might help. AMx

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Hi there! I am so sorry for what you are going through. I actually have no thoughts at all with metformin for hot flashes. When I hear stories like this, I usually feel that it's time to move to a doctor that is going to look at the whole of you to figure out what's going on metabolically rather than trying to treat symptoms.

These is usually a functional medicine or integrative specialist, a naturopathic physician or the like. I spent a lot of time bouncing around before I found the right doctor (a GP/homeopathic specialty, with gut health and counseling training). What I know for sure is that hormones aren't always necessary – she helped me with fatty liver, leaky gut, Hashimoto's and low thyroid, insulin resistance and pre-diabetes without it. I'm not sure who or what you've tried so far (it sounds like it all) but in a lot of ways mainstream medicine just isn't suited for getting to the bottom of problems. And while the hormones everyone else takes may work for them, we are all different and as you have found out, they can cause their own problems. I wish you the best finding someone who can help guide you to health.

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