I just love reading your Substack; I'm sure I've said this before, but I always learn something new. Each week, you always dig a little deeper than everyone else and share details no one else is talking about. I had no idea that testosterone isn't accurately detected through blood work or that it hasn't perhaps hasn't been tested sufficiently on perimenopausal women. Just last week, my doctor drew blood, told me my testosterone was low, and offered pills, creams or pellets. I declined after reading about the side effects. After reading your article, I know I don't want to be a guinea pig. Thank you for your work- invaluable as always. <3

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Wow. It is astounding to me that a) this kind of (basically useless) testing is happening and b) that doctors don’t know it and c) they are recommending hormone therapy based on it… (at the same time acknowledging there are clinicians who are experts in this and go on symptoms and then monitor how it goes…

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