Soon I need a little breathing time to organize my thoughts. Trump is and will continue to be a disaster in slow motion with no coherent strategy. He is so Full of himself and belief that he can do anything he wants without approval. No Can do we will jail Steven Miller and prevent him from doing anything he only listens to himself!
This was so informative, thank you. I would love to hear more about information for younger women going through chemical or surgical menopause in their 30's and how do we manage MHT. I feel like we're left out of the conversation and have to interpret menopause recommendations for much older women. It's very challenging.
Soon I need a little breathing time to organize my thoughts. Trump is and will continue to be a disaster in slow motion with no coherent strategy. He is so Full of himself and belief that he can do anything he wants without approval. No Can do we will jail Steven Miller and prevent him from doing anything he only listens to himself!
This was so informative, thank you. I would love to hear more about information for younger women going through chemical or surgical menopause in their 30's and how do we manage MHT. I feel like we're left out of the conversation and have to interpret menopause recommendations for much older women. It's very challenging.
Hi there! Yes you are left out and it's entirely different for you. The evidence shows you really need those hormones, at least until menopause, but it can be tricky getting things right. I'll put this on my list for things to follow up. For now, I did interview someone in the UK who went through early menopause: Amy Fleming, episode 55, and she had some good tips and was doing some educating on social media.