
it's real hard!

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Beautifully written. A second bout of Covid is def slowing me down as of Thursday. Cannot wait to read BLOODY HELL and your piece in it. Huzzah to life in slow-mo :)

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Thanks, I needed this :)

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Your essay really resonates with me. Thank you.

My mother has been telling me since my father entered hospice in July to slow down, to quit work, to retire. My answer has always been “I can’t because <insert reason of the day>.” When we got the call on Monday that he was approaching his final hours, I wrapped up work as quickly and minimally as I could and signed off until the 21st. I sat with Dad all day Tuesday, doing nothing except quietly sitting, listening to his labored breathing, watching his inhale and exhale, rubbing his shoulder, holding his skeletal hands. He passed early the next morning, alone.

I’m on the cusp between busy (notify relatives and friend, take care of my mother, make lists of all the administrative task that we’ll have to take care of) and doing nothing. My mother still says I’m doing too much, to slow down. It’s difficult to find a balance.

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Teri, all the love to you and what you are going through right now. There's no right way to do these days, weeks, months. AMx

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Aug 12, 2023Liked by Hotflash Inc

this article really hit me with the truth bomb this week. I really need to slow down. Thanks for these wise words.

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We all do. AMx

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