
Hey there! Well I've got a symphony of issues related to long-standing poor gut health, so it's different. So if you did have it, I'd look at what else is going on. I'm eating no added sugar, no alcohol, no processed or fried food, lean, organic meat, taking milk thistle, and glutathione vitamin E. I was eating fruit but I started on a new plan for gut and thyroid and that's gone for a bit. It's challenging! I had a FIB-4 test.

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I think your list of "can HRT do this for you" is fabulous. Sadly, too many are always seeking the magic bullet that fixes everything because they don't want to do the "hard" work of inner work or self-evaluation. In my work, a big part of my focus is to get women to take a look at how their relationship with movement has changed over their life and why. Getting to the why is very powerful in making sustainable changes. I feel the same about HRT. although it has many benefits, it's touted as the ultimate treatment for everything menopause related and that is just not true.

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Very interested to hear more about NAFLD. I have not been tested, not sure I would even have it, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities. You mentioned you were doing some things to combat it, may I ask what?

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