In the last 3+ years longtime friends Patty Pappas and Carrie Mapes have completely transformed how THC and CBD can be delivered to help people through peri/menopause, all without any psychoactive effect. They were stay-at-home moms when they dreamed up and launched their fast-growing California-based company Hello Again, which recently expanded from Everyday and Sleep versions beyond the midlife bracket. The details of how they became game-changing entrepreneurs and executed their vision – in a pandemic, no less – is rare, awe-inspiring and relevant to all of us. Stay tuned to hear the fascinating story of how they continue to beat the odds and their perimenopause symptoms, too.
How Hello Again was born out of a need for new symptom solutions
Carrie and Patty’s particular perimenopause issues (and why HRT wasn’t enough)
How and why THC + CBD work with our body’s endocannabanoid system
Why it had to be a “vagitory”
How their “vagitory” impacts gentiourinary syndrome of menopause
Why the 80s “war on drugs” still messes with us
New Hello Again products + expansion plans
Their take on the wisdom of menopause
Where to find Hello Again:
Web: HelloAgainproducts.comInstagram: @HelloAgainProducts
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